Welcome to my blog! I am a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 5 and my teacher is Mrs Ilaoa.
Saturday, 14 October 2017
Christchurch So Far....
Hi guys, even though I left P.E.S I just wanted to post a blog post saying that I love and Miss you all But moving down here is actually quite different to Staying up in Auckland as it is more quiet and there's less people. I also have this camp coming soon in three weeks where I am going to Wellington for five days, Also A big thanks to all of my teachers who taught me through my Pes years and also to Mr Burt for helping me with building my confidence at being a prefect. That is all I wanted to say, and glad to experience being a Pt Englander. Staying updated for a while.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Decimal word problems
WALT: Recognise and understand hundredths
This week in maths class I finished early so I finished my work about Decimals. This presentation helped me to remember my decimals, It also helped me to add hundredths.
This week in maths class I finished early so I finished my work about Decimals. This presentation helped me to remember my decimals, It also helped me to add hundredths.
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
WALT:Recognise and understand hundredths
This week my maths class and I have been focusing on hundredths. This presentation relates to our Walt so it will help us to understand it without needing any help, the presentation also helped me to remember what hundredths is.
This week my maths class and I have been focusing on hundredths. This presentation relates to our Walt so it will help us to understand it without needing any help, the presentation also helped me to remember what hundredths is.
How Nasa technologies has benefited our lives
Nasa technology helps benefit our live with stuff that we use daily such as transportation, Public safety, Health and Medicine and much more. Transportation- Chemical Detection, NASA increased with Intelligent Optical Systems (IOS) to develop moisture- and pH-sensitive sensors to warn of potentially dangerous corrosive conditions in aircraft before significant structural damage occurs. After completing the work with NASA, IOS was tasked by the U.S. Department of Defense to further develop the sensors for detecting chemical warfare agents and potential threats, such as toxic industrial compounds and nerve agents, for which they proved just as successful. Health and Medicine - Artificial Limbs Nasa made better solution to help benefit our lives they even made robotic body parts. They made this for people who had half a leg or even an arm.
Nasa technology helps benefit our live with stuff that we use daily such as transportation, Public safety, Health and Medicine and much more. Transportation- Chemical Detection, NASA increased with Intelligent Optical Systems (IOS) to develop moisture- and pH-sensitive sensors to warn of potentially dangerous corrosive conditions in aircraft before significant structural damage occurs. After completing the work with NASA, IOS was tasked by the U.S. Department of Defense to further develop the sensors for detecting chemical warfare agents and potential threats, such as toxic industrial compounds and nerve agents, for which they proved just as successful. Health and Medicine - Artificial Limbs Nasa made better solution to help benefit our lives they even made robotic body parts. They made this for people who had half a leg or even an arm.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Education speech
WALT - Identify features of Persuasive Writing
Education is one of the good things in life for it helps us with our future, but wouldn’t it be better if education was free. Think about it, everybody in our world needs education because it gives us knowledge about the world around us, it also helps us to build opinions and have point of view of things in life, yet think about all those kids who suffer because the price is just too high that they can’t afford it.
In one article it says that 62% of children suffer because they could not afford to attend a school. This is a massive problem for the children and also the parents, not only that the parents can’t afford their child to got to school, but also the child will suffer because information can not be converted into knowledge without education. Education makes us capable of interpreting things, among other things.
Education is not just about lessons in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life. I think that every child in this world should all be able to have education also one thing I wish I can do is, to provide education for all, no child left behind. You think about it, do you think education should be free.
This week my literacy class and I have been working on speeches. We had to write about the topic that we chose and use something unusual, original, and unexpected to hook in the reader. This writing topic helped me to improve my speech skills.
Thursday, 11 May 2017
Statistical Literacy
WALT: Interpret information from a pie graph an bar graph
This week my Maths class and I have been learning to do statistical literacy. This presentation helped me to learn about statistical literacy and also understand different graphs.
This week my Maths class and I have been learning to do statistical literacy. This presentation helped me to learn about statistical literacy and also understand different graphs.
Monday, 8 May 2017
Maths grid

Thursday, 4 May 2017
WALT: Use our knowledge of place values, fractions and decimals to solve word problems
This week my maths group and I have been working on this presentation called, Yes I remember. This presentation was testing us to see if we remember our work we did in term 1. This helped me a lot to remember my fractions and also place values.
This week my maths group and I have been working on this presentation called, Yes I remember. This presentation was testing us to see if we remember our work we did in term 1. This helped me a lot to remember my fractions and also place values.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Creating a game using coding!!
This is a game I created using coding. It took me and my group 7-8 weeks to complete all three levels.At first we didn't know how to use scratch so this was an amazing thing to have made and learnt to do.so click this Link to play! I hope you like it!
This presentation is my groups Reflection on the game.
Thursday, 13 April 2017
Selecting Strategies
WALT: Select strategies to suit the word problems
This week my maths group and I have been working on this presentations called Word problems. This Presentation is based on our Walt and this Presentation did help me with my Walt and my maths.
This week my maths group and I have been working on this presentations called Word problems. This Presentation is based on our Walt and this Presentation did help me with my Walt and my maths.
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Independent and Dependent Clauses
WALT - Identify independent and dependent clauses
- Identify the features of complex sentences
This week my literacy group and I worked on this presentation which is called Independent and Dependent Clauses. This presentation is based on our Walt so it could help me with my writing skills which it did.
- Identify the features of complex sentences
This week my literacy group and I worked on this presentation which is called Independent and Dependent Clauses. This presentation is based on our Walt so it could help me with my writing skills which it did.
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Talking Points
WALT:Participate in a group discussion by actively listening and speaking.
This week my literacy group and I have been working on this presentation, Talking Points. This Presentation is about my Walt and this presentation did indeed help with my listening and speaking and also discussing in a group.
This week my literacy group and I have been working on this presentation, Talking Points. This Presentation is about my Walt and this presentation did indeed help with my listening and speaking and also discussing in a group.
Friday, 7 April 2017
Fraction word problems
WALT: Order fractions with different denominators.
This week my maths group and I have been working on this presentation about fractions. This presentation made me understand more about fractions and also helped with my goals for this year.
This week my maths group and I have been working on this presentation about fractions. This presentation made me understand more about fractions and also helped with my goals for this year.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
Hidden Figures
On Wednesday, The 8th of march my extension group and I went to the cinemas to watch a beautiful movie, Hidden Figures. Our extension group basically had the theatre to ourselves, the movies we watched took about 2 hours and a few minutes but it was worth it. The movie Hidden figures is about three African American female mathematician who work for National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Hidden figures is also based on a true story. I found this movie - Hidden figures, Very interesting because they all had they're on ways in maths which led them to a big job and also because I really like maths. Thanks to Mr Vogt for making the opportunity happen and to his sister and friends as well.Here is a small clip from our day.
Friday, 31 March 2017
Edit Writing
WALT: Edit writing
There are many places around that is very special to different people. The place I find special to me or my family is church. My family and I have to put church first due to my grandpa which i would explain after. In this writing I would be explaining why I find church special to me.
I find church special because my Grandpa is the minister of our church, since my family go to a Tongan church that make us the Faifekau. My Grandpa has to definitely put church first, he also has to get up early or go overseas for a meeting or a special funeral. He got to do this because he was the first grandchild that was a boy.
Every Sundays My siblings and I have to go in church early due to Sunday school. Sunday school is special to our church because it teaches me and the other kids about the bible. Church is a common thing my family goes to or even to other people go to.
Church is always first to my Grandpa, Nana, and my family. Every four years my family rotates to church they are given by his boss which in Tonga they call him the Palestine. People may find church special to them in a different way but in this writing I explained why it is important to me and my family.
Other version: (HIGHLIGHTED)
There are many places around that is very special to all kinds of different people. The place I find special to me or my family, is church. My family and I have to put church first due to my grandpa, which I would explain after. Church is one of the common things people or families go to.
I find church special because my Grandpa is the minister of our church, since my family go to a Tongan church that make us the Faifekau. My Grandpa has to definitely put church first, he also has to get up early or go overseas for a meeting or a special funeral. My Grandpa got to do this because he is the oldest boy grandchild .
Every Sundays My siblings and I have to go in church early due to Sunday school. Sunday school is special to our church because it teaches me and the other kids about the bible. My church takes about 3 hours per Sunday which if you were to include Sunday school it would be 4 hours since Sunday school if a hour. It would be 4 hours only for the Sunday school kids.
Church is always first to my Grandpa, Nana, and my family. Every four years my family rotates to church they are given by his a guy which is in Tonga, and they call him the Palestine. People may find church special to them in a different way but in this writing I explained why church is important to me and my family.
This week My group and I worked on writing. This writing is about our test we had a few week ago and to do another version of it but with using a topic, detail, and example all in one paragraph. This really did help me with my writing and making it more understandable for my reader.
Thursday, 30 March 2017
Multiplication Pyramid
This week my group and I had an activity to do which was, Multiplication Pyramid. I found this pretty hard as I started to work my way towards the top. This definitely helped me with my 3 or 4 digit number multiplications.
WALT: Order fractions with different denominators
This week my group and I have been working on this presentation called, Fractions. This presentation helped me a lot with my fractions and also to understand which fraction is greater or less than, this also helped me with understanding denominators and using the right strategies to get the right answer.
This week my group and I have been working on this presentation called, Fractions. This presentation helped me a lot with my fractions and also to understand which fraction is greater or less than, this also helped me with understanding denominators and using the right strategies to get the right answer.
Monday, 27 March 2017
Learning Evidence
WALT: Summarise information in a text
This my group and I have been working on this presentations which is about the ocean and all the pollution that has happened lately. This presentation gave me a lot of information about the ocean.
This my group and I have been working on this presentations which is about the ocean and all the pollution that has happened lately. This presentation gave me a lot of information about the ocean.
Friday, 24 March 2017
Number Knowledge Strategies
WALT: Use the appropriate strategy to solve equations
This week My group and I have been working on this presentation which is called, Number knowledge strategies. This presentation did help me with my maths just like all the other works.
This week My group and I have been working on this presentation which is called, Number knowledge strategies. This presentation did help me with my maths just like all the other works.
Thursday, 23 March 2017
Number knowledge
WALT: Use our new number knowledge to solve equations
This week my group and I have been working on this presentation called, Number knowledge. This helped me with all of my fractions, Decimals, and percentages.
This week my group and I have been working on this presentation called, Number knowledge. This helped me with all of my fractions, Decimals, and percentages.
Friday, 17 March 2017
A Pacific day out
Yesterday my group and I had fun exploring and watching people perform at the polyfest. Pt England seniors got the privilege to go and explore the polyfest and the manukau sports bowl. Polyfest has a bunch of stall where you can buy stuff but it also has people from different school performing.
One of the highlights would be eating food from our group teacher, Mrs Sio. There was a big amount of island food such as, Cook island donuts, Otai ( fruit drink ), Panikeke and, chop suey and heaps more. The food we ate was very delicious.
My second highlight was watching people perform on stages, We got to watch the Fijian but then we moved on. I also enjoyed watching different kinds of people dancing and people having competitions. The competition had loads of people competing. It had singing, and dancing battles going on, which I found it very interesting.
I think it is important to students because they learn about different cultures around and their traditions and also their language. I also think it’s important because it teaches you more about your own culture and stuff you didn’t know and what you wanted to know more about even different languages.
Going to the polyfest was very fun to go and I think Polyfest would be an awesome trip to go, especially if you're with a group of people. I would like to thank you Parent helpers and teacher for making this happen, I would like to thank you Mrs Sio for buying our group food and drinks.
Wednesday, 15 March 2017
Water Crisis
WALT - Make predictions while reading a text
This week my reading group and I have been focusing on this presentation. This presentation is based on our Walt which is Make predictions while reading a text. Reading about the water crisis was very interesting and it also helped me keep updated with the recent problems.
This week my reading group and I have been focusing on this presentation. This presentation is based on our Walt which is Make predictions while reading a text. Reading about the water crisis was very interesting and it also helped me keep updated with the recent problems.
Tuesday, 14 March 2017
Maths Problems
WALT:Solve problems with fractions, decimals, and percentages
This week my Maths group and I have been working to solve problems with fractions, decimals, and percentages. This had helped me with my maths and also my Walt. This presentation was fun to do and quite hard.
This week my Maths group and I have been working to solve problems with fractions, decimals, and percentages. This had helped me with my maths and also my Walt. This presentation was fun to do and quite hard.
Monday, 13 March 2017
WALT - Solve fraction, decimals and percentage word problems
This week my group and I have been working on this, think board. The think board helped me and to understand with what im learning about.
This week my group and I have been working on this, think board. The think board helped me and to understand with what im learning about.
Wonderful water
WALT: Compare and contrast one text to another.
Last week my literacy group have been working on wonderful water. Wonderful water is about a text that is about a group of children that study's about a stream called korokoro and find out if its clean or dirty. This presentation was related to that text, I also had to answer the questions I was given. |
Friday, 10 March 2017
Visual Mihi
Malo e lelei my name is Presayus. I am currently a year 8 student attending Pt England School, and this is my Visual Mihi. My first item I picked is food the reason why I picked food for my visual mihi is because I love it and I need it to survive. My second item I chose was sports. I chose sports because I also love sports just like my family, my family has been getting awards since they were little, especially my dad. The third item I chose was church, church is important to me and my family because my grandfather is the Priest of our church - Siasi of Tonga Tau'ata'ina. The last one I chose was my culture, Culture is important to me because that is where my ancestors came from and most of my families live and I dont see them very often.
Monday, 6 March 2017
WALT: Add decimals to 3 decimal places
This week my maths group and I have been working this presentation. This presentation is about decimals and place value, the presentation helped me with my Walt and also my place value. This poster is related to my presentation and also my Walt. This helped me with my decimals as well.
This week my maths group and I have been working this presentation. This presentation is about decimals and place value, the presentation helped me with my Walt and also my place value. This poster is related to my presentation and also my Walt. This helped me with my decimals as well.
Place Value
WALT: Demonstrate use of new knowledge about Place Value. Add and subtract decimals to 3 decimal places.
This week my maths group and I have been working on place values. In this activity we were given a number and were told to place them in the right column, This was activity did help me with placing numbers in the right units.
Water worries
WALT - Support all my answers with evidence from the text Last week my group and I worked on this presentation bout water worries. This presentation has given me question that I had answer from the text. This helped me with the Walt and what i was learning. |
Thursday, 2 March 2017
Connecting fractions, decimals and percentages.
This week my class and I have been focusing on fractions and connecting them with decimals and percentages. The presentation had help me as for the other presentations. This poster was like to presentation, this also helped me to connect fractions, decimals and percentages
Fractions of a number 1
This presentation is to help me improve my fractions. My group and I had to work on this so we can be better at our fractions. This presentation helped me learn my fractions.
Fractions of a number 2
This week my class and I were given an amount of fractions to work on. This presentation has the questions we were given and the answers I thought was the best fit. This presentation help me improve my fractions.
Monday, 27 February 2017
Word problems
WALT - Illustrate (draw/show) the steps we used to solve each problem
Last week My class and I focused on this presentation, Word problems. This presentation help me with my basic facts, Division, Fractions and many more. The presentation has a mixture of word problems some that is hard and some easy.
Last week My class and I focused on this presentation, Word problems. This presentation help me with my basic facts, Division, Fractions and many more. The presentation has a mixture of word problems some that is hard and some easy.
Thursday, 16 February 2017
Why people need to drink water.
WALT - Plan for a piece of explanation writing.
- Use the' Title-Introduction-Information-Conclusion (TIIC)
- Use the' Title-Introduction-Information-Conclusion (TIIC)
We need to drink water because it help us to get fit and stronger, It also cleanses our inside of our bodies. Drinking water everyday can keep us from getting fatigue or getting sore headaches. If we weren’t drinking water our bodies will get exhausted and we would get weak due to how much water we drink.
Drinking water can help us with our bodies, especially our kidneys. We need to drink water because it helps our kidneys clear sodium, urea and also toxins from our human body. Water also removes wastes from our blood in the form of urine, and it also helps keep our blood vessels open so our blood can travel freely to our own kidneys.
People need to drink water to survive as we all know that. The water in our bodies has approximately 60 percent of water. There are also 70 percent of water in our brains and nearly 90 percent in our lungs. Everyday, our bodies must be replaced with 2.4 litres or 2.5 quarts of water.
Water is all around us and is even in us. Humans need water for many things, Not only humans even animals and trees. Drinking water is a common thing for all of us, learning about water is interesting for me and my class.
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
Water Wise Poster
This poster was based on my reading activity water wise. This poster is to hook my reader in and to tell my reader people have to be wise with water.
Water Wise
WALT - I make sense of new information before, during and after reading by connecting it to myself, texts I know and my world.
This week my class and I have been focusing on this presentation about water wise. This presentation is about using the water wisely so we can save more water in the world. This presentation has helped me with my WALT and also my reading.
This week my class and I have been focusing on this presentation about water wise. This presentation is about using the water wisely so we can save more water in the world. This presentation has helped me with my WALT and also my reading.
Monday, 13 February 2017
No. Of The Week
Walt: Illustrate (Draw/Show) The steps we used to solve each problem
This week my class and I worked on a presentation called number of the week. This lesson is about you getting a number and putting it in certain ways it is given to you.
This week my class and I worked on a presentation called number of the week. This lesson is about you getting a number and putting it in certain ways it is given to you.
Thursday, 9 February 2017
Explanation reconstruction
WALT - Identify the structural features of an explanation text
Today we learnt about logical sequence. We had to put paragraphs in order and colour the end and beginning paragraphs. Logical sequenced help me with my writing in putting them in order
Tuesday, 7 February 2017
Kete of knowledge
WALT - Make connections between our prior knowledge and examples within the text in order to understand more abstract ideas in the text.
This week My class and I are focusing on the kete of knowledge. The kete of knowledge helps us with our reading and it reflects on our Walt.
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