20 years ago my mum and dad got married just the year before my eldest sister was born. Many years have past and they have now got 7 children including me. The reason why I picked this title was because.. It my mum and dads ANNIVERSARY!!!! The best thing about it is they have been together for twenty years and they got married when they were about 17 or 18 very young. Now my parents are the best thing that ever happened to me if it weren't for them I wouldn't be here. My mum is very special to me because shes always been there for me and always made me feel better when im down or im having drama with other girls, shes the best mum anyone could have. My dad is special to me also even if he will embarrass me with his dancing and singing but hes still good and he does make me laugh.. A LOT!! Whenever my dad will call me its either massage his feet or do a job for him that goes for my mum too but I dont massage her foot i just do jobs like do a coffee or make her food. Sometimes I will just offer it to them because they deserve it I also clean up their room without them knowing.:P
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