Term three had been a amazing term so far i have had great memories with all kinds of people mostly my friends. My friends helped me with a lot of stuff in term three, and its going to be very harsh saying goodbye next term. :(
I have a lot of memories to talk about in the previous term.
Disco was one of my favourite memories because we had a lot of fun with the year eights such as dancing with each other, making up funny dances and heaps more.
My favourite memory will have to be making the year eights laugh and them telling that Vinolia and I is their favourite Yr sevens.
It was so amazing getting to know the year eights and how we stood up for each other either when they needed help with their work or someone was bullying them. The year eights were great brothers and sisters to me.The last day came very emotional to me hugging all my best yr eights and saying goodbye, and also having a laugh with Rowana and Vinolia in assembly because Vinolia was eating her food.