
Friday, 29 July 2016

We Are The Champions - Human Body Inquiry

Walt: Introduction to the human body - 'My body parts and systems'

This week the yr 7/8 block inquiry is about the human body. We are learning all about the human body for our topic we are learning information about it for to keep fit. Our school term topic is We are the champions,  the topic is based on the Rio Olympics.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

The class newspaper

WALT: Reflect on the text.

This week My group and I have been working on this presentation. This presentation was based on a journal we read, we used some of the answers that were in the text from the book. Reflecting on the text is what we are trying to achieve and learn, The book was about Tama and his family. That he and his family were having trouble finding fish and kahawai in the local beach and that they are trying to keep the local beach open.